October 24th , 2013
The gala dinner was held in the presence of Messrs Frédéric MONDOLONI, Charge D’ Affaires of the French Embassy, Sergey TSYB, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Alexei KOMISSAROV, Minister of the Government of Moscow, Elena MANXIMKINA, Director of the Department of National Medicines Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
The winners are: Pr Alexander S. SOBOLEV, Pr Andrey ROSENKRANZ and Pr Wladimir LUNIN for their work on Modular Nanotransporters (MNT), Ranibizumab, LUCENTIS (NOVARTIS), Pemetrexed, ALIMTA (ELY LILLY)
For additional information, please contact: Mrs. Crystelle
COURY, prixgalien@focusreports.net or visit the site: www.prixgalienrussia.com