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International regulations:

Article 1. – The international Galien award for pharmaceutical research is organized every second year by one of the countries organising a national Galien award.

Article 2. – The international Galien award is given to recently marketed drugs, research teams and medical devices that have been won a national award. If the molecule chosen is not marketed in the organizing country yet, the latter may request that one country where the selected molecule is marketed can organise the international ceremony.
Drugs that do win the award can apply for a subsequent international Galien award.

Article 3. – The organizing country draws up an agenda in connection with the permanent Secretary General who is in charge of dispatching information to all partners. The Galien partners related to the same candidate have to send a common entry. These entries have to be put on the Prix Galien secure area Website. A paper version is sent together with se Secretary general.

Article 4. – The reception of the international Galien award shall take place in a city selected by the organizing country.

Article 5. – Patronage and logistics of the Award are under the responsibility of the Galien award member in charge of the organisation of the international ceremony.

Article 6. – Medals, signs, logos, and all information and promotional material related to the Galen Award are a registered trademark protected by French and international laws.

Article 7. – Use of the trademark must comply with the Prix Galien regulations